Saturday, October 01, 2005

Feeling lucky today

I am feeling very fortunate this morning. My parents are coming in around 11:30. My mom is going to stay here to watch the game while my dad and I head over to Fenway. I feel very lucky to be going to the game today and very excited.

Tonight I get to see a very good friend of mine, Oge, who is in town for the weekend. Life is good.

Of course, you are all right. I am writing this before I go to the game. Hopefully, I'll feel just as lucky afterwards! =)


Unknown said...

Dude, bad jinx, bad karma to write that before a game with the Yankees ;( No matter, though, we'll just have to beat them in the ALCS...

Ilana Reeves said...

Meh...i acknowledged us possibly losing, which of course we did. Still just an excellent day =)