Thursday, July 21, 2005

Back to the Tavern(s)

After a difficult day yesterday, my parents drove me back to Charlestown. We had ice cream at Cold Stone for dinner. I later met up with Brie, Andrew, and Bob at Tavern on the Water. The night was beautiful: there was a full moon, the clouds reflected the light, the city was stunning, the temperature was perfect. Oh yeah, and the booze was flowing freely =)

We stayed for a while, later joined by Dave (I know, shocker. Charlestown crew at the Tavern...) The night was pretty uneventful until I wandered back from the edge of the pier to find Andrew chatting with a group of girls. Ever the good wingman, I said hello and turned to meet the girls. One of them was Lori, who--as you might remember--I haven't seen since Figawi 2004. I didn't even recognize her. I said a couple of words, then wandered off.

Andrew, Brie, and I soon left for the Warren Tavern, leaving behind Dave who was talking to two really cool girls: Gretchen and Tricia. (Dave, whatever happened with that??) When we got there, Justin was singing per usual, so Brie and I groupied it up. Justin was actually just mentioned in the Improper Bostonian as one of the people who makes Wednesday nights at the Tavern awesome. YAY!!! I ran into Jill, a local girl originally from Texas. It was so good to see so many locals.

Midnight came, and the bar closed. Everybody left except the three of us, Justin, Tavern staff Danny, Shannon, Pat, and Johnny. We were eventually joined by Tavern on the Water security Rocko and Linda. It was just like old times (except Greg wasn't there, being off on vacation with his family). We all sat around, talking, making fun of one another, discussing the Sox, and telling bad jokes. We toasted repeatedly to Lynn and Phil, and talked about people close to us, the afterlife, and other supernatural theories.

We stayed until about 1:30 or 2, then wandered to Store 24 (of course), then home. It was great to be back in Charlestown doin' my old thing =) I needed a night like that.


Unknown said...

My kind of bar night! At the end, you're left asking, where the figawi? ;)

Must have been a pleasant hangover this morning...

Ilana Reeves said...

Luckily, I figure if I have to ask that question, I must be at the Warren Tavern! =D

This morning was delightful, compounded by the stunning lecture still of one Mr. Phadke