Thursday, June 30, 2005

Tell me this has happened to you....

I got home from work today, made a quick dinner, and sat down to do more work, as I have fallen behind. I got a good chunk done, and went to read Yoav's blog. I noticed that he had written about Jeff's wife's birthday celebration--the one I have in my Palm Pilot for next week--happening tonight.

At that point, it was 6:30, the party started at 6:00, and i still had a good couple of hours to go. So I called Yoav and asked him to call me if they went somewhere after Cheesecake Factory, figuring we could meet up then. I got a bit more work in, then decided to switch over to accounting for a bit, as Matt and Jeanne, my accounting teammates, are getting together tomorrow to do the homework, and I can't go, so I wanted to have a good chunk of it done to hand off to them.

Before transitioning, I figured I should clean for about 15 minutes, as Dan is arriving tomorrow and is severely allergic to cats. I vacuumed the bathmats in the bathroom, removed them, and started sweeping. In the course of my sweeping, I had to move my Tanita scale on top of a box of kitty litter in order to sweep beneath it.

Well, you know the little turny thing that turns toilet water on and off? It was in that immediate vicinity, and all of a sudden, I was getting sprayed in the face with a small stream of water. I reached for the handle to shut the water off, and suddenly I'm lost in a turrent...I had knocked the pipe clear out of the #@$(* toilet.

After a struggle, I got the water turned off, but not before it drenched me, my hair (ewww), my bathroom, my kitty litter, etc. I had to move Scully's litter box quickly, as it is one of the Littermaid ones that run on electricity. Of course in doing that, I had a bunch of wet kitty litter left all over the floor. EWWWWWW

So I kept cleaning the water up, and I felt like something was dripping on my already wet head. Sure enough, the CEILING was drenched, and water was dripping from it on to me. EW ew ew ew ew. So I mopped the ceiling with my wet Swiffer.

Long story short, I got the water cleaned up, headed over to Home Depot, and got my new part. On the way home, I was stuck at a light, so decided to clean my car a bit. I reached into the side pocket on my door where I keep my trash, and put my hand right into a rotten apple core. EWWW... I eventually got home and installed the damn thing. I then finished cleaning up, started a wash for the towels and my bathrobe involved in the squirmish, and hopped into a nice, hot shower.

This has happened to other folks here, right?


Unknown said...

Umm, no. Is that an L-shaped scar on your forehead? ;)

Robbie Allen said...

Umm, no. Things like that only happen to Ilana ;-) Makes for a funny story though!