Sunday, August 07, 2005

Drink, Beach, Study, Drink, Beach, Study....

Sam blogs drunk; I blog hungover. Dude...I had a total of four beers from 8:15 - 2:30am last night. How am I hungover??? Granted, they were slightly heavier beers (two Newcastles, two Harpoon UFO's), but still! That's less than 75% of a beer an hour! Plus I probably walked about two miles over the course of the night. I am getting oooooold.

In other news, just waiting for Katie and her friend to pick me up. We are then heading to Singing Beach in Manchester-by-the-Sea. I have my trusty accounting weight--I mean book--packed and ready to go. Everybody on the beach will be so jealous of me and my engrossing reading!! =D I wonder how many people will stop and ask me tax questions.

After the beach, it's off to SDM to print out the 10k for the exam which is supposed to be printed at 6pm. A night of studying will ensue...


Unknown said...

How come you're hungover? You're a lightweight! ;)

Enjoy singing beach, I love that place. Make sure to get some ice cream from the shack across the pier on the way back (not the one on the beach, the one in the entrance to town). So good...

Anonymous said...

Didn't Ethel help you find your way to the beach?

Ilana Reeves said...

No, I wasn't driving. Katie's friend Julie was. Definitely missed Ethel!!!