Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Patriots' Day and System Safety Homework

Despite Monday being a holiday, I had to work all day. This included one two-hour meeting and another 3.5-hour meeting. From there, I went to school for a two-hour meeting about our PDD project. Luckily, we were very efficient about time use and accomplished a lot. It probably helped that before the meeting, Will and I grabbed a drink with Katie and Josh. I work with Katie, and she was in the 3.5-hour meeting so we rehashed a bit, but mostly conversation was about fun stuff =)

Today I spent a lot of time on my system safety homework. We are applying DOE analysis to the Milstar Centaur incident. Yes, I know, sounds like fun =) Actually, it was very interesting and the time went quickly. Yay!


Unknown said...

DOE = blech :( But not as bad as a 3.5-hour meeting.

Ilana Reeves said...

Different kind of DOE than we learned last year. I'll see if i can find a good link.