The sylllabus for this class said we should be able to park down there, so I drove in, expecting to find an attendant. There was none, so I drove right on in. I was a little concerned about being able to get out of there at the end of class without a proper ID. I guess we'll see what happens.
That's assuming, of course, that I can even find my damn car. I took stairs up from the parking lot only to find myself in MIT's winding tunnels. I somehow managed to get to the Stata center, but neglected to leave myself a trail of pebbles or bread crumbs. I'll keep y'all posted on my progress....
You'd think least until you enter the building. Inside, it is drab and dull. I call it the "Dr. Seuss" building when speaking to people who do not know of the actual name, but do know of its shape =)
I actually think it's an awesome building, inside an out. But beauty is in the eye of the beholder, of course ;)
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