Friday, December 09, 2005


Last night after class, I played basketball with the usual suspects: Paul, Deming, John W., Sam, Yoav, and Robbie. I managed to get away with only a broken nail. Yay!

Afterwards, we went to dinner together at Anna's for burritos, with Alli joining us. After that, Sam, Paul, Yoav, and I went for a beer at the Thirsty Ear. Paul and Sam provided the entertainment with a couple of Karaoke songs. Thanks, guys! =)

This morning I had the best plan for avoiding getting my car snowed in: I would get to school early and park in one of the garages. They don't get locked down until 8:30, and stay locked until 5pm. My classes today happen to run from 8:30-5pm. Unfortunately, I must not be the only genius at this place because they had set a guard out to watch for cheaters like me. I parked in the West Annex instead.

Oh, and for those needing a political gift (Dingo, I'm looking at you), Eve sent me this link: Bush Toys.

1 comment:

Dingo said...

those were great... but I got you something different for hani.... chanik... for the jewish christmas thing.